"For the body does not consist of one limb or organ but of many." 1 Cor 12:14
The Bible talks about the people in the church being like a body, we all have different functions and strengths. This means that there are as many ministries as there are people in the church! We all have a ministry and one of the goals of KLC is to make sure that each one is valued and encouraged. This website names just a few.
As well as individuals being parts within a body, other churches around us also make up that body. We try to link as much as possible with what the Lord is doing in churches around us so that we can strengthen and build one another to the glory of God. Together, with Christ as the head, we are complete.
As well as individuals being parts within a body, other churches around us also make up that body. We try to link as much as possible with what the Lord is doing in churches around us so that we can strengthen and build one another to the glory of God. Together, with Christ as the head, we are complete.
Worship Ministry
Individually and in our gatherings together we seek to declare that ‘God is worthy’, worth much more than anything and everything else put together. Worship in our gatherings together is expressed oftentimes in heartfelt, vibrant and joyful singing, dancing, clapping and even jumping! Other times we are lead to be still and wait patiently in God’s glorious presence. The worship in our gatherings is led by our worship team; a lively group of people, mostly youth sold out for God and brought together by a passion for His worship, love for music and a burning desire to glorify God through His giftings in us.
"Therefore go, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Matt 28:19
As a church we support some organizations that minister to our local community in Staines and its surrounding. We are a mission focused church and take the great commission seriously. Our desire is to take the good news of salvation that is freely available in Jesus Christ to every all nations of the world by working in partnership with groups and churches with same goal. We also encourage our members to individually support missions as they feel led. Some members of our church have been involved with oversea missions in Romania, Kosovo, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda. Some of the projects include, humanitarian aid, encouraging and working alongside local churches, building a village community centre and supporting a village school.
Evangelism and following Jesus commision to baptise people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is one of the cornerstones of our church. We believe in reaching out to our local community to and London at large to invite people to fellowship with us and share the love of Christ and to find the grace of salvation.
We organise events like fun days and church family meals where we invite people and interact to discuss the love of God. We also carry out Christmas carol service at Christmas and special New Year eve service. We participate in charity with various charity organisations.
Coffee Morning
This is a great opportunity for people to come out and meet with others especially people who live on their own. We have good time together having different varieties of tea and coffee with biscuits and cakes.
We meet from 9.30am -12pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
We look forward to seeing you there.